Maybe I 'm a total grinch, but honestly. I drove past a cemetery this morning. They had a sign advertising holiday, pre-need specials. Seriously? I don't care how close to death I am, you had better not get me a cemetary plot for Christmas. There is just no way that's o.k.. None. Just don't get me anything. I would really prefer that if this is my only alternative.

That's funny, Mrs. Daniels.
That is absolutely hilarious! And your commentary was just awesome. I'm with you, no thanks on the plot. I'd rather have a doll for Christmas. And I greatly dislike dolls.
Reminds me of a commercial Chad and I saw while watching TV the other day. Some actor I don't know (but probably should) was touting how sensitive it would be to get the woman you love an appointment to get her pap smear for Christmas. Yeah. Romantic. Thanks.
Umm... Yeah. That would pretty much be the worst Christmas present ever.
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