Friday, June 13, 2008


My little boys had popcorn and caramel Junior Mints for dinner. By the time we put them in the bathtub they smelled of chocolate, butter, sand, grass and sunscreen. We started the day at Tommy's new gymnastics class. It was perfect. Patient, kind teachers and a kid who is starting to find a lot of joy in doing a somersault on request. We went from the Y to the best sprinkler park in town. It has fountains, sprayers and water guns, not to mention a pretty great play structure. It was also the place where some of his favorite friends happened to be. Tommy, Nathan, and Owen ran around in their swimsuits, followed after by the babies. We came home to fill the plastic pool in the backyard and take the cover off the sandbox. While Johnny napped, Tommy and I pulled my favorite kitchen rocking chair out onto the deck and put on our swimsuits. We rocked and snuggled and ate popsicles in the sunshine. We made friends with an ant. We took pictures of ourselves. We tried to take pictures of our friend the ant (they didn't quite work out). Mommy read her book and Tommy drove his trucks in the sand. Daddy came home early and the four of us went to see the panda movie. We bought fancy movie popcorn and candy and soda. Tommy watched barefoot (he always takes his shoes off to watch movies, apparently, even at the theater) and laughed at all the wrong places and Johnny clapped and begged for soda (which he did not receive, he is too little). Tommy played panda with Daddy until bedtime and snuggled his wet hair into my neck while I read his bedtime stories. It was a lovely day. Ty says it's the universe's way of paying me back for Wednesday. Maybe, but I definitely got the better end of the bargain.


Adri said...

Love this post, Angie. Kudos to you for enjoying it all and not just trying to race in the house and clean the toilets while the boys were busy. Really. What a great mom you are! Sorry about the key fiasco. What a pain. Glad all is well again in the Daniels Home.

Linn said...

What a wonderful day--way to go amazing mom! And Ty is right, you deserve that day and more because of Wednesday. You are fabulous!

Julie said...

I can't think of a more perfect way to spend time with the men in your life! What a happy day!