Sunday, December 5, 2010

hitting my stride

I have been running for about 2 and a half years. I have completed 3 marathons and countless shorter races. Not long ago a family friend who is new to running asked me when it got easier. I told him it didn't, that you naturally continued to challenge yourself and thus it was always more challenging.

Paul, today it got easier.

I have revamped my training. I have become a devotee of Hal Higdon and adding lots of cross and weight training on top of his advanced program. Quite frankly, it's made me tired and sore. Today was my first long run in a while. I was a little nervous. I so, so, so wanted all my work to pay off, even just a little.

It was only ten miles, but today I ran my first negative split. For those of you who aren't runners, that means the second half of my run was faster than the first half. I have never done this before, maybe accidentally on a short run, but never, ever on a long run. By the end of a long run I am dying. Dying. Regardless of the distance, ten or twenty, dying. Not today. My last mile was more than a minute faster than my first and I felt amazing. Best runners' high ever. Seriously, ever.

I bounced out of the Y, strutted to my car, finally, finally, finally felt like a real runner.


Steph and Andrew said...

So I am trying to be like my older sister and signed up for another half marathon in april, I went on the website you suggested and printed a schedule, so thank you. But I still hate running. I am not very consisitant so it's my own fault. Anywho, I would appreciate any tips

The Busby Family said...

That is amazing! I can't believe you have only been running 2 1/2 years. I love running also, been doing it since my mission, 10 years ago. You are hard core. I ran one marathon with my hubby, when we were dating. But would love to do anyone. I've run 3 half marathons. I just dont' think I could find the time to do a whole. l Maybe when the kids are in school. That is sooooo great that you increased your time on your long runs. I just do those to finish. the weight training I've heard is really really important, need to do that!!! It sounds like it does actually help you run faster!

Carrie said...

I am so happy for you! Words can't truly describe how proud I am of you.

Dena said...

You continue to impress me with your greatness. By striving to do & be better, paying the price, and then sharing your success with others...Way to go, woman.

Love Mom

Emz said...

you have been a "real" runner but I'm happy YOU see it now!

YAY for Negative splits!!

Linn said...

I am so impressed I can hardly type! Waaa-hooo!

3StinkyBoysAndMe said...

Um, 'it was only 10 miles,' she says. Whoosh! Congrats! : )

Kera said...

great post! sorry i am so behind on getting to know new people. hello, i'm kera....nice to meet you. ;) hal higdon is dope. I'm using his intermediate program right now. advanced is pretty advanced. good on ya. xx