Tuesday, July 13, 2010

you know, 'cause I have free time coming out my ears

I'm relatively sure I have an addictive personality. It's probably a pretty good thing that I'm a teetotaler because I can't even keep my harmless addictions (running, sewing, diet coke, wow, I could just keep going here) under control. I have found a new one and it's eating up all sorts of previously underutilized time, preschool drop off line, grocery store line, bed time wind down, watching Ty kill aliens with his brothers, playground lurking, cross training on the elliptical, etc. Did you know you can get the New York Times crossword puzzles on your phone? Every single day? Past puzzles also available?!!! You can. It's awesome. It makes me so happy when I finally fill in that final block. Every time it makes me happy, the joy does not diminish with repeated success. I'm finishing like, two a day. And learning all sorts of totally random and useless facts. I wonder if I can write them a thank you note? Or a fan letter?


Julie said...


Malea said...

Hee hee to Julie. Matt could scrabble and sudoku till the end of time.

Dena said...

You are so funny...and strange.

Love, Mom

Emz said...

That's awesome. I'm so with you on this. I love crosswords. They make you even smarter [says ME]. ;)