Monday, January 18, 2010

seasonally inappropriate

I've been dreaming of roses. Dreaming of my ever-growing rose garden covered in blooms. Giant, rainbow colored flowers everywhere. I've already picked out several new plants to order as soon as the ground is warm enough to plant them. I've been researching how to get my cuttings to take more effectively and even how to get seeds from the rose hips and start new plants that way. It's going to be a bit of a wait for roses, even the spring bloomers probably won't until April or so. Not sure how I got so obsessed by these thorny beasts but I can't get them out of my head, even in January. I wonder if I could get a mini cutting to bloom in my kitchen? I'm off to my rose books, there must be a way.


Steph and Andrew said...

that looks like flower on a top of a casket...I am sure your roses are much prettier.

Emz said...

You garden too? Seriously, what don't you do wonder woman?!? I'll be looking forward to YOUR rose garden photo [no pressure]. ;)