I made you a really great gift. What I mean to say is that I am still making you a really great gift. So........ I haven't shipped it yet. That means that, unless I am willing to buy the box containing the gifts for you and your delicious daughter and airplane ticket (so sorry, but I am not), it's not going to make it by Christmas. I did so well this year, so well. Everything else went out weeks ago. The Christmas cards went out a little later in the month than I would prefer but I send out a lot and they all went out eventually. It will be finished today. Promise. It will ship out tomorrow. I am really just trying to make the holiday last a little longer at your house. That was my plan all along.
Love, Me
(This is me tooting my own horn by showing a photo of my sister and my niece while wearing aprons I made them. Adorable, no?)
I love the snowing effect!
They are so adorable! BTW, handmade gifts are the best and so worth the wait. Happy Holidays!
You are not the only one, cousin dear! I just sent out presents to Mysti and my grandparents on the 23rd with completely undeserved-for hopes that they will have arrived by today.
I did, however, get your Christmas card, and you and your family are looking mega-adorable, as per usual. Merry Christmas!!!
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