Friday, October 30, 2009


I didn't get to run today. I was going to go right after lunch but Johnny came upstairs crying about noon and promptly spiked a fever. From that moment to this he has kept nothing down. Nothing. I spent the rest of the day giving him pedialyte a teaspoon at a time and then changing his clothes after he threw it back up. He  spent the day barely moving. I sat in the rocking chair and just held him for most of the day. Once again, I am afraid to go to bed. Afraid the fever will spike, afraid he is too dehydrated, afraid I will miss something important. That he will need me and I'll be asleep. Apparently, I am not destined for sleep this week. On the bright side Tommy only had three breathing treatments today. Tomorrow has to be better, right? Please, be better.


The Busby Family said...

good luck angie, it doesn't sound like a good sleeping week.

Carrie said...

I'm so sorry, Ang. Let me know if you need anything.

Andrea said...

Awww...poor kids. You can sleep next week, right? :) I hope you are all better soon!

Malea said...

You know, it's good to document all of these (in the long run) small moments of hardship and healing. Your children, if they have to face the same challenges will really benefit from you having these memories written down. But for now, I am so sorry. Stay strong!