Monday, March 23, 2009

tess don't tell

I have jury duty this week. I was supposed to have it last week, but I forgot, the whole week. I didn't remember until Friday. Needless to say the clerk was not pleased with me and insisted I show up this week, which I did with a smile. Morning, uneventful, case dismissed. Afternoon, made it to short list for murder trial. I am not allowed to talk about it (how very cloak and dagger) but when I am I have a great story about possibly the dumbest person I have ever met, or even seen. Anyhoo, I hope you are all tingling in anticipation and praying I will be released so you can hear said great story sooner. Kisses until I return.


Andrea said...

Good luck! Take a good book with you. :)

Teachinfourth said...

I stumbled across your blog through another one. I just got my first 'jury duty prospective juror' notification.

I am thrilled beyond, really.

I hope that if I get called in, it's simply a traffic misdemeanor.