Saturday, November 29, 2008

on the first day of christmas

One of the small pleasures of owning your own home is that you can vacuum at 2 in the morning and no one but you loved ones can complain. That is exactly what I was doing last night at about that time. My loved ones all slept through it. I began the day after Thanksgiving by braving the nutties at 5am in Walmart, Target and Kohls in order procure just what my little ones are hoping St. Nick will deliver, at a steep discount. I ran errands and tried to get organized for much of the rest of the day. I have a deeply held belief that all Christmas decorations should be out on the day after Thanksgiving. By late afternoon I was finally getting things organized. Usually I am very efficient about the whole thing but this year I felt sort of sentimental and tender about all of it and I found myself taking my sweet time to make sure that everything was perfect. Usually it drives me crazy not to have it done and while I do a complete job of it, I make it quick. Not this time. I don't know what's different. I feel settled here (for the time being), my children are at a delightful age for enjoying the holidays, and I love this house (it's a very good Christmas house). Somehow all of these things have combined to make me all homemaker-y about decorations this year. So as I've said, I took my time. I hung each ornament lovingly, I strung popcorn for the kids' tree carefully, I ironed the stockings, for pete's sake. I then tackled the mess left by a busy day, a holiday week and a decorating frenzy. I dusted and vacuumed. I then wrapped every single Christmas present in the house. Only then could I even consider going to bed. I wandered into my pajamas at about 3 am. Luckily my sweet husband has seen this sort of mood before and knew to just let me go and planned on letting me sleep in. This morning I feel so calm and happy. I'm sort of flitting around the house, my heart leaping a little each time I catch a twinkle out of the corner of my eye. I love Christmas.


Linn said...

Oh, I love it! Such beautiful decorations. With yesterday being a cooking day, today must be a decoration day right? We will see how far we get. I'm following your example next year. Stay up and just do it. I love it!

Carrie said...

I feel the same way. Jake took the kids yesterday morning and picked out our Christmas tree. It is already up and presents are wrapped and placed below it's lit branches.

Nate and Di said...

How fun, it all looks great!!!

Andrea said...

It looks great!!! I'm a purist, though, and I must have a real live tree. So I have to wait a little longer before putting it up or it becomes a brittle mess. But my stockings are hung and I do have some twinkling lights around the house! We are going to a local farm to chop down our tree this weekend! I heart Christmas!

Unknown said...

You are really a great writer Angie. It made me want to come over, bring the kids and string popcorn myself. Your house looks fantastic. I know what you mean about the vacuuming thing. I've only been out of our aprtments for awhile and have found myself vacuuming in the middle of night because it really is teh best time for me to get things done. They just mess it up in the morning. They really are at a fun age. 5 is my favorite so far.

Amy said...

I love Christmas! The tree, my favorite!

Oh and from your previous post, I think you are a beautiful writer! You paint a lovely picture with your words!