Sunday, March 9, 2008

just breathe

I love my yoga class. I do yoga almost every day but on Saturday I go to a 90 minute class at the gym. It shouldn't be that big of a deal. It's 90 minutes right? But for 90 minutes every week I get to focus on nothing else but my own breathing. No one will interrupt. Everyone in the room will do their very best to make sure that I am not distracted. I get to focus all my energy and concentration completely inward and only on myself. Pretty selfish. It's lovely. Tommy has joined his first soccer team and his game schedule means that I can't go to my Saturday class. I am going to pay a babysitter so that I can go to a different class on another day. A friend asked if I couldn't just skip the class for eight weeks since I practice on my own anyway. Nope, I will be there every week, breathing.


Adri said...

Yes, Ang, I get it. My question: how do you do yoga at home without your boys climbing all over you? I've never had much luck!

erin said...

I hear ya! Pilates is what I love, but like a previous comment, how in the world do you practice without your kids climbing all over you? I have a cardio-pilates DVD that I'm excited to try but I can never get up early enough to actually use it.

Andrea said...

I'm with the must share your secret for peace and 'me time' at home with 2 boys!!?!

Angie said...

After bed time- I am a big believer in early bed times- otherwise you are all right- i am a jungle gym.