Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Steph-a-rooni-macaroni- Thankful

Today was not my favorite day. It was a gas men and ear infections and all schedules falling apart so that I can get nothing done sort of day. The kind of day when you know you will have to eat cookies for dinner just to soothe your soul. Right after I almost rammed into the UPS man in the driveway he handed me a package. I assumed it was a grocery sort of a thing I had ordered on Amazon, not super fun. When I finally got around to opening it a while later it was a floaty, swirly piece of chiffon that someone had turned into the skirt of my dreams. I had not ordered this little piece of perfection. The receipt bore the name of one of my dear sisters. She knew I'd love it, so she sent it to me. It was perfect and definitely the best things that happened to me today, possibly all week. She made me cry the good kind of tears. I'm sort of tearing up now just remembering. Thanks, Steph.

(You can read all about her adventures here)

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