Monday, March 7, 2011

it's a sickness

So. Remember how I was all done with stupid marathons and hate them and I suck at them and blah, blah, blah? Me. too. I still remember. But I am itching, itching to sign up for the local one in October. Because, you know, this time will different. This time I will stick to Hal's program. This time I will run a time I am not ashamed to share. Already printed out the training schedule. Don't even have to start training until June. That's a good long break, right? Seriously, what is wrong with me?


Adri said...

Sickness indeed! :)

Nicole said...

Sounds awesome! Do it! This one WILL be different. I'll do one too. I should be in Utah by then. You are in Utah, aren't you?

Linn said...

You are awesome, that is what is wrong with you!

Julie said...

Just own it

3StinkyBoysAndMe said...

Any marathon time is a good time, girl! I could NEVER EVER run one. Never.

Emz said...

do it!

you know you wanna.

Sign. up. now.