Monday, February 28, 2011


I think it can be officially stated. I am not good at this marathon thing. There haven't been very many things in my life that I have thrown my heart and soul into that I have not been good at. This might be the first time. I sort of hate that I don't seem to have that inherent talent for running that so many of my compatriots seem to have. I am jealous of their Boston qualifying times on their first or second races, jealous of any time that they are not ashamed to post on public blogs read by other runners.

Saturday was number four. It was called a "troad" race because it was sort of halfway between a road race and a trail run. Hardest course (of any length) I have run yet. And I was not prepared. And it hurt lots and lots. But this time I didn't cry tears of frustration. I just wallowed in the fact that I finished a course that several others did not and I was not the slowest doing it.

And now I am on hiatus for a little while. I am going to concentrate on speed, on shorter races, on halves and just on other stuff for a little while. I am not quitting, just resting and regrouping. When I am ready to jump in again, I think will seek professional help. I will find a guide to coach me through, to get me over the hump, to help me compensate for my lack any apparent natural talent. Any suggestions?

For now, I will run because I love how it makes me feel, just because I can. And so I can shave 10 minutes off my PR in the half I've signed up for in May.


Julie said...

You're a rock star. I support your decision.

Steph and Andrew said...

I am so proud! I wish I could do a marathon, maybe one day I can be as cool as you. love you

Andrea said...

Four marathons. Dear friend: That is nothing to be ashamed of. Getting through them fast is great, sure. But the fact that you have done FOUR--no matter your time--is pretty freaking awesome.

Linn said...

I think you are INCREDIBLE! I don't care what the time says, that is a huge accomplishment. Enjoy the much deserved time away from such intense training!

Carrie said...

Enjoy the time away from training for your other hobbies and interests. When the time is right, you'll get the PR you've been searching for.

Malea said...

FOUR marathons? Did I read that right? YOWZAAA! Um that's pretty flippin' awesome, my friend!!! You rock! Please please please don't get down about that. Your accomplishments are inspiring. Keep on keepin' on! I love to hear about your passion!

Rebecca said...

That's a good idea. It gives you time to let your toe nails grow back in.

3StinkyBoysAndMe said...

Ugh! I don't know how you even run 2 let alone 26.2.