Friday, November 19, 2010

i could be addicted to worse things- thankful

Now that its November I am into the part of the year during which I am constantly cold. Constantly. Until April. I have had a thing for herbal teas for a long time (since spending the summer/winter of 2002 in Australia, to be exact). I have spent years trying to find spicier and spicier teas. I want it to bite a little when I drink it. It's trickier to find than thin you might think in an herbal tea. Last winter I found this. It's an herbal version of a spicy chai. Every other flavor has gone my the wayside. Just a little sweetener and I have a delightfully warm cup to carry around all day. Then my fingers and my tummy are warm for at least ten minutes. It's really quite lovely. I have started ordering it online because Target can't seem to keep it in stock and I don't want to go without it. When I don't have it, I end up eating candy or drinking fancy hot cocoa, which is bad, bad, bad. Both of those choices have way more calories than my tea (0 calories, 5 with sweetener) so it's very  important to have it on my house from October to March. Nowadays, I buy in bulk so feel free to head on over for a cuppa if you want to try before you buy.


Andrea said...

Really? Is it that good? I have yet to find an herbal tea that has enough flavor for me. They always seem to taste like overly diluted warm dirt. But I'm always game to keep trying. I happen to have more of a hot chocolate addiction myself. And as you said, so naughty.

Cherron said...

I have that same tea in my cupboard! It IS delicious--I do a packet of Splenda and a little splash of milk and it's perfect. Especially now that it's getting colder--yum!

DeAnna said...

I love this tea!!!! I discovered it this past spring. I add just a touch of sugar free vanilla flavoring and it is so yummy. Love, Love , Love it.

Kera said...

i add french vanilla coffee creamer, and i'm in heaven.