Friday, October 2, 2009

it's probably a bit much but, there i go

My very first craft show is tomorrow. I am a vendor. That's right folks, a vendor. I am a nervous wreck. I know, KNOW, I haven't thought of something vital. I'm not ready. Aaack. This is worse than speaking in church. It's just that I want everyone to like me and love the stuff I make because I love it. I'm not good at rejection and what if they reject me? What if they snub me or secretly make fun of me while tittering with their friends behind their hands. Like I have done (albeit it discreetly). Please Karma, do me a solid, I'm a good person, I am kind to children and animals and I promise to never make fun of the people running tables at the flea market ever again, even discreetly, even when they are selling totally crazy stuff. Promise.  Wish me luck and feel free to come visit if you happen to be a local. The address is 11215 West 13th St N Wichita, KS 67212. I have to go hyper-ventilate now.


Anonymous said...

Good luck

Andrea said...

You are gonna do awesome! I've done a couple of craft shows with Keith's furniture and we always have a good time. Give us an update when it's over!!

The Busby Family said...

That is exciting. Let us know how it goes. Wish we were closer we would come and support you.

Carrie said...

Breathe! It's your first time, and I promise you'll not get it perfect but you will do fine and even learn some tips for the next time.

Linn said...

I so wish I was there to come and buy, buy, buy! You will do awesome. Wait, I am reading this late, I'm sure you already did awesome. So I'll just go with a congratulations!