Thursday, September 24, 2009

i just find this so disturbing

***Tomorrow is the day! If you haven't donated yet, please click the link in the sidebar. I am sooo close to my goal. I promise those pink cookies are totally worth it and so is Shauna.

So you all know by this point that I, for the most part, have given up on tv. We have had no cable and thus no channels for about nine months and I love it. I can download my Greys Anatomy anytime I want to with only one commercial. Why, why would I pay for cable? Due to this lack I have been somewhat behind on the antics of the latest reality show season. But I did hear this. Tom DeLay is on Dancing with the Stars. Seriously. How does this seem like a good idea? He used to be the Republican majority leader of the House, until he was indicted. He has been a member of Congress since 1984. 25 years! He ended up resigning over the whole campaign finance thing (even though he proclaims his innocence) and apparently found himself at loose ends. Now I do not agree with the man politically, but honestly, have a little dignity! Dancing with the Stars?! I do not want the people who have voted on the laws of this country to be on a silly show for b-listers. I find it totally demoralizing. Did you not take the decisions you made in Congress over the last 25 years any more seriously than this? That would, of course, explain a lot. Where are the people in his life that will tell him that a this move will only make him look like more of an ass than he already did? Is this really what you want to be remembered for? Because now, whenever I think about him, all I will ever remember is that he was the loser politician who was so desperate for any sort of approval that we went on Dancing with the Stars. I'm just saying.


Cassi said...

FYI Each contestant gets 100grand to do the show. no matter how long they last. The top three all get bonuses. This would be why...

Angie said...

I still don't think that's much of an excuse.