Tuesday, November 25, 2008

david sedaris- thankful #46

I am a sort of a nervous wreck this week. Nothing particular, just stressed. This time of year makes me a little frantic until I get everything done, not to mention all the regular everyday stuff. I wish that I was one of those really zen, calm people. I am not so I often have trouble sleeping and I run a lot. I have a habit of listening to audiobooks all day. Frankly the things that are bouncing around in my head and not interesting enough to keep me entertained while folding laundry and doing dishes so I have a membership to Audible. Today I have been listening to David Sedaris at Carnegie Hall. I am laughing out loud, still. And I sooo needed it today. The little stress knot that lives in my tummy much of the time has relaxed quite a bit. I bet it doesn't come back until at least Friday.

1 comment:

Melissa May said...

We have almost EVERY David Sedaris book on CD! He is one of our all time FAVES! :)